We Protested At the Roundhouse!

MLK Day, 1999
This photo is from the Albuquerque Tribune the day after:

This photo is of a protest on MLK day (the day before the state commences business for the year) at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. Although we were expecting a more well-rounded group, we were a little heavy on hemp folks, with some queer activists, but no gun people showed. The photo is of Richard Haley and Libbie Palmer (the curandera who has been in the news of late because of her bust for hemp-based arthritis salve).[visit her web site]

We gathered at the Plaza, which strangely had a stage set up on the north side which we stood on to speak to an assembled crowd with our bullhorns, then walked up the street to the Roundhouse and stood before the front doors for a while, milling and chanting things. We went in and stood inside and sang, "We Shall Overcome" before we left. We reminded people that Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream is still a dream while people lie in jail for victimless crime. Until we are all equal, there will not be peace.

If your eyes are not so good, the caption reads:

Richard Haley (left) of Albuquerque and about 15 other demonstrators took part in a protest Monday at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe to mark Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. This protest was sponsored by a coalition calling itself the New Mexico Activist Forum. They called for an end to police brutality, the strengthening of human and civil rights laws, protection of personal privacy, and an end to the drug war, among other issues.

Note: they didn't get our name right

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