Political Prisoner of the Year Nominee: Bruce Throckmorton

what, no picture STILL????


March 29, 1999
Bruce Throckmorton
3150 Horton Road - Austin Unit
Fort Worth, TX 76119

Bruce is in the Federal medical prison in Fort Worth, Texas: Yes, the infamous 'Pine Box Medical Prison.' This is the same prison that refused PODW McClemore his legal medicine, Marinol; the same prison that let Jim McDougal die from a heart attack in the hole, and the same prison that locked Crohn's patient, T.J. Lowe, in the hole for nine long months.

Bruce is dying of terminal cancer, and is sick enough to qualify for the compassionate release program, and indeed had been approved for it. However, he was caught with 1/10 of a gram of cannabis this week, which he was using for nausea. The counselors say that he is now disqualified for early release. He has been sent to the hole.

They say they would have released him since he was dying, but because of this charge for possessing cannabis, his release has been withdrawn. They have told him, "You can just die in here now." (Maybe they should have an award of some kind.)

I nominate Bruce for political prisoner of the year, mainly because he won't be alive to see next year's contest.

I do not see how these things can continue with the Institute of Medicine Report dispelling all the myths that have kept marijuana in Schedule One. I don't see how this and other prisons keep getting away with these atrocities. Medicine is being used as a weapon inside these walls.

T. J. writes, "If he could get out, he might be able to find holistic or alternative healings that could prolong his life. Who knows, he might even survive. In here, he will surely die and very soon. At least he should be able to die with dignity with his family."

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